Trout spey on Tongariro River
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Single hand Trout Spey :
Intermediate Skagit heads

Although standard Skagit heads float, Scientific Anglers brought out an intermediate version of their Skagit Lite series in 2019.


Advantages of intermediate heads are that they are far easier to cast when the wind is up, they make less splash, achieve more depth, and flies remain deeper during the swing and when stripped up-stream.


I highly recommend intermediate heads for deep runs and pools on medium sized rivers, for estuaries with strong tidal flow, and anytime the wind is blowing.


The Skagit Lite intermediate head in 180 grains, fishes very well with a #6 S6 Rio Replacement Tip. The 150 grain intermediate Skagit Lite likes a 10 ft S6 Sonar leader.


When choosing a Skagit Lite intermediate head, it should have the same grain weight as the floating head that works on the rod it is being chosen for, i.e. do not go 30 grains lighter for the intermediate head.


Single hand Trout Spey : Getting started with a 9 ft 5wt rod

+ Getting started
+ Rods and Skagit heads
+ Sink tips for Skagit heads
+ Tippet for Skagit heads

Intermediate Skagit heads

+ Hybrid heads
+ Floating tips for Skagit heads
+ Running lines
+ Cost effective approach
+ Learning to Spey cast
+ A final word

What is Trout Spey

+ How it all began
+ What is Spey casting?
+ Fly lines
+ Sink Tips for Skagit Heads
+ Single versus two handed rods
+ Effective Spey flies for New Zealand Trout and techniques for fishing them
+ Favourite Trout Spey outfits
+ Conclusions


Single Hand Skagit - Science behind the magic

+ Where it all began
+ Head design
+ Sink tips
+ Casting heavy sink tips
+ Running lines
+ Reels
+ Rods
+ Intermediate heads
+ Favourite outfits
+ Conclusions

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