Fly fisherman fishing and walking ankle deep through a shallow and wide gin-clear backcountry pool, with bush clad surrounds, New Zealand
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Fly Fishing & Trout in New Zealand

In this series of articles, I cover the introduction of brown and rainbow trout to New Zealand waters, their distribution and life cyles, then the different lifestyles 'chosen' by adult rainbows and browns, and the fishing opportunities this creates.


'Backcountry’ is the term often used to refer to isolated or wilderness areas, and backcountry rivers are some of my favourite places to fly fish.


There are two main types of backcountry streams and rivers in New Zealand: those that flow through tussock-covered high country plains or open valleys, and those flowing through steep sided valleys and gorges of natural bush, deep within mountain ranges.
I explain the approaches and techniques that work for me, after many seasons of trial and error fishing New Zealand’s beautiful but unforgiving backcountry rivers. And write about my favourite time to fish the backcountry - the exciting cicada season!


Also included are articles on choosing and fine-tuning gear for specific fly fishing scenarios, including : balancing a fly rod with reel weight, choosing the most appropriate floating line, using PE braid for backing and selecting a 5wt fly reel.


In the last 4-5 years I've become hooked on Spey fishing and effective gear choices for New Zealand waters, which I've devoted a whole section to, see 'Trout Spey' section.

Choosing the best floating fly line for trout
Why I believe there are sea-run rainbow trout in New Zealand rivers
+ Choosing the best reel for a 5wt trout rod
+ Balance a single hand fly rod with the reel weight
+ Braid backing for fly reels : A fisherman's journey
+ Fishing backcountry rivers and streams in the cicada season
+ Distribution & lifecyles of brown & rainbow trout in NZ trout

Life styles of New Zealand brown trout

+ Fly fishing the Backcountry, New Zealand
+ Fishing jig streamers on mono rigs is highly effective for New Zealand trout

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