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Single hand Trout Spey:
Floating tips for Skagit heads

Several manufactures produce floating tips that can be attached to Skagit heads to produce floating head systems.


After experimenting extensively with factory and custom floating tips on a variety of Skagit Heads, I do not recommend this approach for the following reasons:


1. Since the tip becomes part of the head, one needs to reduce the weight of the Skagit head to compensate, so one may as well put on a Hybrid head.


2. Floating tips are often overpowered by a Skagit head, so the head system does not cast as smoothly as a Hybrid head, and presentation is nowhere as good.


3. Floating tips usually have thicker loops at the butt ends than sinking tips, resulting in loop-to-loop connections that stick in the guides when fighting fish.


Single hand Trout Spey : Getting started with a 9 ft 5wt rod

+ Getting started
+ Rods and Skagit heads
+ Sink tips for Skagit heads
+ Tippet for Skagit heads

Intermediate Skagit heads

+ Hybrid heads
+ Floating tips for Skagit heads
+ Running lines
+ Cost effective approach
+ Learning to Spey cast
+ A final word

What is Trout Spey

+ How it all began
+ What is Spey casting?
+ Fly lines
+ Sink Tips for Skagit Heads
+ Single versus two handed rods
+ Effective Spey flies for New Zealand Trout and techniques for fishing them
+ Favourite Trout Spey outfits
+ Conclusions


Single Hand Skagit - Science behind the magic

+ Where it all began
+ Head design
+ Sink tips
+ Casting heavy sink tips
+ Running lines
+ Reels
+ Rods
+ Intermediate heads
+ Favourite outfits
+ Conclusions

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